Extreme summer heat spells trouble for autumn plants
Summer’s prolonged droughts and extreme temperatures have made plants more vulnerable to common problems, with the Royal Horticultural Society anticipating an increase in certain fungi and insects in the coming months.
Four easy tips to make your garden insect-friendly
From bees to beetles to butterflies, insects help keep our gardens healthy. But with pollinators in decline, it’s more important than ever to optimise our green spaces to support wildlife.
Five ways to connect with nature and boost your mental health
From visiting local parks to growing plants indoors, spending time with nature can have a positive impact on our mental wellbeing.
No Mow May: Four reasons to stop mowing your lawn this month
Gardeners are being asked to say ‘no’ to the mow next month and instead transform their lawns into a paradise for pollinators.
Cultivate community with calendula flowers
Join gardeners across the UK as they grow calendula flowers and celebrate the positive power of plants with the Royal Horticultural Society’s new initiative, Grow Well.