Terms and conditions

This page outlines my freelance terms and conditions. If you have any questions, please email me at hannah@hannahvoak.com.


1.1 These terms and conditions apply to any work done on behalf of the Client (you) by me (Hannah Voak).

1.2 I will provide services as mutually agreed, confirmed in writing (including email) by myself and the Client.

1.3 The Client is under no obligation to offer me work; neither am I under any obligation to accept work offered by the Client.

1.4 The work will be carried out unsupervised at such times and places as determined by me, using my own equipment.

1.5 The work will be carried out by me. I will not subcontract services to third parties.

1.6 I confirm that I am self-employed, am responsible for paying my own income tax and social security contributions, and will not claim benefits granted to the Client’s employees.

1.7 Asking me to proceed with the project is regarded as your understanding and agreement of these terms and conditions.


2.1 Prior to commencement of the work, the Client and I will agree, in writing (including email), the terms of the project, including the scope of work, project fee and completion date.

2.2 The services will commence once I receive email confirmation to proceed with the project, plus once I have full details of your registered company or residential address.

2.3 The completed work will be delivered on or before the completion date agreed, for the agreed fee, which will be based on the description of the work required and the brief, both supplied by the Client.

2.4 If, however, on receipt of the project or at an early stage, it becomes apparent that significantly more work is required than had been anticipated in the preliminary discussion/brief, I may renegotiate the fee and/or the deadline, or decline to carry out the work.

2.5 The Client agrees to providing supporting information, documents and other material, as well as giving prompt feedback on work or responses to queries, as requested. I cannot be held responsible for missing a deadline if the Client has not responded to requests.


3.1 I will provide a quotation for the work to the Client following my evaluation of a representative sample of the materials to be worked on, and/or a discussion with the Client as to what is required.

3.2 The client will pay a fee per hour, OR per 1,000 words, OR an agreed flat fee for the project, as agreed in writing.

3.3 Once the Client and I have agreed the fee, it is non-negotiable unless the Client extends the scope of work or requests additional services. In this case, a revised quotation and completion date will be negotiated.

3.4 The Client will reimburse me for agreed reasonable expenses (e.g. postage, printing) in addition to the costs of the services.

3.5 Depending on the project fee or project length, I may request a deposit for 50% of the fee prior to commencement of the work, and/or invoice periodically.

3.6 Alternatively, I will supply the Client with an invoice upon completion of the project.

3.7 If a flat fee has been offered, the quoted price is for one draft (writing) or one edit (content editing, copyediting or proofreading), unless agreed otherwise. If further amendments are required, an additional fee may be charged, depending on the amount of work involved.

3.8 Upon completion of the work and payment of any fees, the contract will be considered fulfilled. After this, I bear no more responsibility to the work, and the Client is free to do with it as they wish.

3.9 Payments should be received within 14 days of the invoice date.


4.1 All content delivered to me by the Client for the project is owned by the Client.

4.2 In this respect, the Client agrees to hold me harmless from and against all claims, liabilities and expenses arising out of any potential or actual copyright or trademark misappropriation or infringement claimed against them.

4.3 Any content created as part of the writing or editing process will become the copyright of the Client, unless otherwise agreed, following full payment of the project fee. At that point, you can use the material as you choose.


5.1 Any content delivered to me by the Client or created during the project, which is not intended to be published or distributed publicly, will be kept confidential.

5.2 I will not, under any circumstances, upload the Client’s files to external websites or distribute them to third parties unless specifically authorised to do so, in writing, by the Client. I do, however, sometimes use Dropbox or WeTransfer for cloud storage or to share files with the Client.

5.3 If your work is published or publicly distributed, I may link to the work from my website, portfolio, social media accounts or other areas, unless the Client requests otherwise.


6.1 Both the Client and I have the right to terminate a contract for services at any time if there is a serious breach of its terms.

6.2 The Client is free to cancel a service for any reason by providing me with written notice (including email). I must acknowledge this cancellation in writing (including email) for this to be valid.

6.3 If the Client cancels the work during the project or with less than one month's notice, I reserve the right to invoice for 100% of the agreed fee.

6.4 ​If the Client wishes to cancel with more than one month's notice, no charges will apply.

6.5 I may cancel a service at any time for any reason by providing written notice (including email) to the Client. In the unlikely event that I cancel a service, I will provide a refund of any fees paid in advance of starting the work.

6.6 If, in the unlikely event that the Client is touched by extraordinary or difficult circumstances that cause cancellation or delay (e.g. family crisis, illness, bereavement), the Client should contact me to discuss the terms of the cancellation policy.

6.7 If I am touched by extraordinary or difficult circumstances that cause cancellation (e.g. family crisis, illness, bereavement), I will contact the Client in writing at the earliest opportunity and do my best to renegotiate the time frame of the project or find an alternative supplier.


7.1 I will do my utmost to ensure all content is correct and free of errors. However, no guarantee of this can be given.

7.2 I will not be liable for any losses, of any kind, resulting from the services or advice provided. I will not be liable for any consequential, indirect or special loss/damage. I will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of any event(s) beyond my reasonable control.


8.1 There is no requirement for the Client to mention me in the published work's acknowledgements section. However, the Client agrees that I will have the opportunity to review any such mention prior to publication, or to decline to be mentioned.

8.2 Unless requested otherwise, I may use the Client’s name, written feedback or comments made by the Client, and/or extracts of any work produced for the Client in promotional material.


9.1 This agreement is subject to the laws of England and Wales, and both the Client and I agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.